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ROUTING # : 251480806  |  Español


Tax Time Reminder

Expecting a tax refund this year? Here are a few helpful details to keep in mind.

Verify your account information before you submit your refund.

The incoming deposit must be in the name of the account owner. 

Incorrect information can cause your refund to be delayed. 

Accountant calculating taxes

Ways to verify your checking account number

Bottom of Your Check

Please use the middle set of numbers from the bottom of your check including any zeros (see the example below). There should not be any dashes, symbols, or letters in your account number.

Online Banking

Log on to Online Banking, click on your checking account, select "Account Details," and locate "ACH number." This is your checking account number.

Park View's Mobile App

Log on to Park View's Mobile App. Tap your checking account, then "Details." Locate your "ACH number." This is your checking account number.

Park View's Routing Number

The routing number for Park View Federal Credit Union is 251480806.

image of a sample check

Let Us Help

If you do not have checks, are depositing to a savings account, or would like help verifying your account information, please visit any branch or call us at 540.434.6444.

Avoiding Fraud

The IRS does not call account holders, they mail letters. If you receive a phone call from the IRS, it’s a scam. If your tax refund is rejected due to duplication, it means that someone else has already filed your taxes.  Accounts are limited to 3 tax refund ACH deposits to deter fraud. If you find yourself a victim of fraud, you must file the IRS Form 14039 and take steps to secure your information.


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